Common Flowers Found in Nepal

Well, we all are aware of the fact that Nepal is full of natural beauties and pristine surroundings. We have high hills and Himalayas, we have rivers that flow directly from the snowcaps standing to the North of our own territory. We do have southern plains in the southern part of the country, and myriads of herbal plants and flora. I have accumulated just a few numbers of flowers found in the Hilly zone of Nepal. All of these flowers are seasonal and perish over a few weeks of full flourishing.

1. Marigold (Sayapatri)

Flourish in the month of October


2. Wild Geranium

Botanical Name: Geranium Maculatum

3. Red Dahlia

Scientific Name:
Lahure Ful
Flowers in the month of September-November

4. Zinnia Benery's Giant Scarlet

Supaare Ful
Flowers in the month of July to September

5. Mac and Cheese Coneflower

Flowers in the months of rains.

6. Twisted Celosia (Amarantaceae)

7. Name: Unknown

8. Wine Red Celosia

9. Lilacs

10. Suryamukhi

11.  Multi-colored Wild Lantana

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